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Find out whether people are aware of the amount of sugar found in everyday foods.The purpose of this experiment is to measure out the sugar of various foods and find out whether people can correctly d ...

Find out what will make a baseball travel the farthest. The purpose of this experiment is to use baseball bats that are made out of a variety of to find out whether the material of the bat affects t ...

Determine if the color of light affects the growth of plants.This experiment attempts to discover whether the color of the greenhouse material impacts the growth of the seedlings inside.It is an educa ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in soi ...

Find out what common “compounds” can be easily separated out in a centrifuge. The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether certain liquids are comprised of a liquid and a dissolved solid or ...

Discover whether there are some objects that do not fall at a constant rate.The purpose of this experiment is to test various objects to determine whether they fall at the same rate.It is an education ...

See if male or female humans are more likely to exhibit some form of color blindness.The purpose of this experiment is to test human males and females to determine if one gender or the other is more l ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in so ...

Find out how much yeast can cause bread to rise.The purpose of this experiment is to measure the growth of bread dough and find out how long it takes for the dough to stop rising.It is an educational ...

Are reptiles more active in warmer temperatures? What are the advantages and disadvantagesof being cold blooded? Are reptiles able to withstand the same range of temperatures that mammals are?It is ...